EMPERRA’s Management Team
Emperra provides a competent and dedicated management team:

Dr. med. Janko Schildt
Founder & CEO
Chief Executive Officer
- Founder of Emperra with more than 26 years of experience as a clinical paediatrician
- Many years of experience in regulatory affairs, information security and product innovation
- Member of i.a. DDG, GPGE, DG Telemed, Wirtschaftsrat e.V.

Dr. med. Horst Mertens
(M.D., MBA)
(Chief Operating Officer & Chief Business Developmement Officer)
- > 20 years experience in various senior management functions in Pharma / Biotech / Med.-Tech
- Executive Consulting &Interim Management
- Leading Operations in Medical, Marketing, Sales, Finance
- Investor Relations & Strategic Partnerships

Jens-Florian Krieg
(Dipl. Economist)
(Chief Financial Officer)
- Proven track record in classical Finance Functions such as Financial Planning
- Many year of experience in legal and process controlling of the German healthcare system
- Investor communication with a focus on the start-up sector

Dr. med. Markus Bentrup
(Chief Technical Officer)
- More than 20 years of experience in product development (hard- and software)
- Extensive experience in Medtech
- Responsible for the ESYSTA product system at Emperra since 2009

Andreas Kohlstock
(Dipl.-Mechanical Engineer)
Head of Manufacturing, Outsourcing & Quality Management
- More than 15 years of experience in product & process optimization
- Extensive experience in hardware development
- Responsible for quality assurance at Emperra since 2009
Furthermore, at EMPERA excellently trained specialists with a focus on high-skilled hardware and software are working hard to realize our entrepreneurial goals and to assure our international competitiveness.
EMPERRA’s Scientific Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Haak
(Speaker of this Board)
Top clinician, internist and diabetologist, director of the Bad Mergentheim Diabetes Clinic. Chairman of the Diabetes Academy Bad Mergentheim as the sponsor of the research institute of the Diabetes Academy Bad Mergentheim. Spokesman of the Working Group Clinical Diabetology (AKD). 1st Chairman of the Federal Association of Diabetologists in Hospitals (BVDK). Chairman of the Professional Association of German Diabetologists (BDD).

Dr. Dipl. oec. troph. Astrid Tombek
Bereichsleiter der Diabetes- und Ernährungsberatung an der Diabetes-Klinik in Bad Mergentheim. Trainerin verschiedener Schulungsprogramme im Bereich Diabetes. Lehrbeauftragter an der Berufsakademie für Lebensmittelwirtschaft im Fach Ernährungswissenschaften. Lehrbeauftragter an der Dualen Hochschule Stuttgart im Fach Pflegewissenschaften. Leiter des Arbeitskreises Diabetes im VDOE.

Prof. Dr. Heiko Burchert
Studies in business administration and doctorate at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. From 1995-2001, research assistant at the Faculty of Law and Political Science at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University in Greifswald. Participation in the development of health economics at the University of Greifswald. Co-founder of the Center for Applied Telemedicine in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (CAT-MV) e. V. based in Greifswald. Since 2001, Professor of Business Administration and Legal Fundamentals of Health Care in the Department of Business and Health at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. Areas of work include health economic evaluation of telemedical applications, such as cost-benefit analysis of the Electronic Health Record (ELGA) in Austria (2008).

Prof. Dr. Dr. med. K. Kusterer
1997 Recognition as a diabetologist DDG. 1998 Award of the title “Associate Professor“. 1999 Foundation of a specialized practice for endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism in Mannheim. Member of professional societies: German Diabetes Society (DDG), European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), German Society for Endocrinology (DGE), Professional Association of German Internists, German Society for Internal Medicine. Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Gesundheitsprojekt Mannheim e.G.(GGM). Professional Association of Diabetologists in Germany (BVND). Diabetologists BW e.G. Scientific papers and publications: Over 40 original papers in international journals.
EMPERRA’s Corporate Advisory Board

Steven Anderson
MedTech & Health Market Expert
(GPE, Hartmann)

Institutional investors